Commitment to greater Sustainability
At Optiswiss, we have been focusing on the energy efficiency and CO₂ reduction of the company and its manufacturing processes for many years. In recent years, the energy demand for producing 1000 prescription lenses (individual prescription production RX) has been continuously reduced. In close collaboration with the Industrielle Werke Basel (IWB) and the Energie Agentur Wirtschaft (EnAW), the certificate is reviewed and confirmed annually. This special certificate is accepted by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy.
New heat recovery processes and new infrastructures are important milestones in the Optiswiss corporate social responsibility. These ensure greater efficiency and require significantly less energy per 1000 lenses produced than before. We also use 100% renewable energy from Swiss sources (IWB). All lenses are produced with energy from sustainable electricity generation - a major step towards continuously improving the CO₂ balance in the lens production. Additionally, we use the wasted heat generated from the coating systems for hot water and heating in the building.
We strive for a sustainable, responsible, and future-oriented corporate policy. Optiswiss adheres to the CSR guidelines according to the ISO 26000 standard to solidify the concept of sustainability. The AFNOR certificate also confirms that "Optiswiss AG is in the evaluation process according to the reference framework Label Engagé RSE." And that’s not all: an initial audit was conducted in June 2024.
Our Swiss innovative strength is noticeably sustainable and offers visible added value down to the finest detail. It goes without saying that all Optiswiss lenses are CE-compliant and manufactured according to the latest requirements of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR).
Reduction of CO₂ Footprint
Since 2021, Optiswiss has been continuously reducing its CO₂ footprint through a new procurement policy and structured material inventories (semi-finished materials and stock lenses), which focus on the maritime transport of these goods. By consolidating orders in the respective countries of origin, container space can now be optimized, and the number of shipments reduced, leading to a corresponding reduction in transport-related CO₂ emissions. To accommodate larger material inventories, new warehouses have been opened directly next to our industrial site in Basel. Air transport is now only used in emergencies.
- CO₂ emissions related to the maritime transport of semi-finished products and stock lenses have been reduced by more than 50% (from 2021 to the end of 2023).
- The savings per 1000 distributed lenses are estimated at 6.7 kg CO₂ (from 2021 to the end of 2023).
Read our 2023 CSR Report
Equality in the Workplace
With the revision of the Gender Equality Act (GlG), which came into force in Switzerland on July 1, 2020, companies with at least 100 employees are required to conduct a pay equity analysis(1). To facilitate this, the federal government has provided employers with a modernized version of its standard analysis tool for pay equity in the form of a web application (Logib(2))
(1) Companies with more than 100 employees were required to conduct a pay equity analysis within one year, have it reviewed by an independent body by June 30, 2022, and inform employees and shareholders of the results by the end of June 2023 at the latest. Pay equity: The federal government provides employers with a modernized version of its self-assessment tool (
(2) With Logib, the federal government’s standard analysis tool, employers can conduct a pay equity analysis themselves. They then receive an evaluation with an interpretation of the results, as well as a selection of various reports and forms, graphs, and tables. Seco Online Services - Pay Equity Analysis with Logib (
Pay Equity Analysis at Optiswiss
Optiswiss conducted the analysis of the legally required pay equity in May 2021. All calculations were carried out using the federal government’s standard analysis model. The calculations are based on the following foundations:
- 204 employees recorded in the reference month
- The total earnings standardized to full-time for 204 employees
- Employee distribution: 115 women (56.4%) / 89 men (43.6%)
The results indicate that pay equity between women and men is maintained at Optiswiss. No gender-specific effects were found(3), even in a work environment where significant differences in qualifications and associated job characteristics can exist.
(3) Taking into account differences in qualification characteristics and job-related features, it was found that women earned 4.4% less. Although the remaining salary difference statistically does not deviate from zero and according to the standard analysis model and its integrated tolerance thresholds, this difference is not significant. Therefore, there is no unexplained gender pay gap between women and men.
Important documents:
1. Summary of Pay Equity Analysis (Logib), FR
2. Proof of compliance with the requirement for pay equity between women and men (Art. 12 para. 5 BÖB / IVöB), FR
And since 2021?
It can be noted that there have been no changes made to the salary policy of Optiswiss since then.
- The increase in the number of female and male employees followed an equal trend.
- There were no significant differences in individual salary increases (employees received identical increases to offset the increased cost of living).
- For female employees returning from maternity leave, the same rules for salary increases were applied as for other employees of the company.
- No significant deviations were found in the distribution of promotions between women and men. Gender parity was maintained in the highest salaries.